If you work in an industry that uses a lot of fuel, then you’ll understand the importance of a well-maintained fuel storage tank. Leaks or damage can cause water to enter the tank, contaminating your fuel and leading to buildups of algae, bacteria and sludge in the tank. Contaminated fuel can cause a lot of issues, including reduced efficiency, damage to machinery and safety concerns, so what can be done to prevent it?
A tank sponge is one easy and efficient way to help keep your fuel tank free of water, so if you want to know more, read on for our brief guide.
What is a tank sponge?
Tank sponges are made from a unique polymer that can absorb around 0.7 litres of water, without absorbing any fuel. They’re simply placed inside a fuel tank and come with a string that can be attached to the outside of the tank for easy removal. Once the sponge is fully saturated, it can be disposed of along with regular black bag waste.
Why are they necessary?
Water accumulation can cause a lot of damage to your fuel and fuel tank system, so it’s important to monitor water levels at all times. Tank sponges are an affordable way of reducing water buildup in your tank and they’re much cheaper than a full tank clean or costly repairs.
Water can enter your fuel tank via a leak, if the filler cap is left open, or due to the natural buildup of condensation over time. If water does enter your tank, it can lead to rust developing in metal tanks and greater buildups of bacteria and sludge. It can also freeze in cold conditions which then causes the fuel to degrade. These problems can be serious, but you can greatly reduce the likelihood of them occurring by inserting a tank sponge inside your fuel tank.
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